奥德声听力技术有限公司是德国著名的专业助听器制作与销售的高科技公司。从1977年起,经过不断的技术革新与发明创造,AUDIO SERVICE助听器远销世界各地。正因为AUDIO SERVICE公司拥有欧洲非常先进的听力研发实验室,产品不断推陈出新,使其产品的质量与技术一直处于世界助听器行业的领先地位。
AUDIO SERVICE (奥德声)听力技术有限公司是德国著名的专业助听器制作与销售的高科技公司。从1977年起,经过不断的技术革新与发明创造,AUDIO SERVICE助听器远销世界各地。正因为AUDIO SERVICE公司拥有欧洲非常先进的听力研发实验室,产品不断推陈出新,使其产品的质量与技术一直处于世界助听器行业的领先地位。
AUDIO SERVICE 公司的产品多种多样、款式齐全,有隐蔽型深耳道式、小耳道式、半耳式、耳甲腔式、迷你耳背式一应俱全,并且保持着世界耳内隐蔽助听器未来发展潮流的SEMI-MODULE技术。每台新品的推出都经过专业工程师严格的电路设计、电脑的精密调试与调整、经验丰富质检员的数据测试和监督生产的全过程以及听力学家、医生和优秀验配师的实际临床试验等等,而这一切都围绕着客户的需求而展开的,“能亲眼看见和亲耳聆听的高质量”是公司一切工作的核心。
AUDIO SERVICE 助听器完全符合人性化设计,公司的产品设计和开发部门聚集着技术设计精英,所有的设计都通过当代高科技的电脑技术以分毫不差地确定外型、电路分布以及音质设定。AUDIO SERVICE 耳背式助听器在不到12毫米长的集成板上竟然汇集了百多个微小的零件,最小的零件仅如针尖大小,犹如头发丝一般粗细的电线有条不紊地精确连接。显而易见,零件的组装要求极大的耐心和经验,只有AUDIO SERVICE 公司才能创造出如此巧夺天工的精品。
AUDIO SERVICE 公司杰出的品质和先进的技术使其顺利通过ISO9001、EN46001等多项国际认证,这些认证使得AUDIO SERVICE的产品在欧洲美洲市场具有免检资格,也正因如此,AUDIO SERVICE 公司无比荣幸地被德国质量协会评为行业杰出质量企业。
伴随着新世纪的到来,AUDIO SERVICE公司把其优秀的系列产品引入中国,以优雅、小巧、精致的外观,清晰的音质,造福于广大中国追求美观、隐蔽助听器效果的听障患者。“听出精彩世界”是AUDIO SERVICE公司的真实写照。
English Information
In our company, more than 170 people are working in research, development, production, sales, marketing and service all around the world. With expertise, experience and dedication. The absolute top priority that we are aiming at is the same that any hearing specialist would have: to make life more comfortable, safer and full of experience for people with reduced hearing capabilities through the use of technological equipment. For this reason, our staff in research, development and production are continuously searching for anything and everything that we can improve in and around the ear. At the same time, we are extending and intensifying our fields of action and expertise. Our success story started in 1977. Then, we were the first company in Germany to launch an ITE system on the market. In 1980, we also pioneered ITE systems made in Germany. And we are very proud of the fact that we are still market leader in this segment and that we are Germany’s No. 1 in the ear. By now we have become a complete supplier of ITE, BTE, open fitting, otoplastic and hearing protection systems. And we do this not just in Germany, but in more than 20 other countries around the world. From Europe to Asia across to Australia and South America. The main reasons for this journey of success are not just our high-quality and extensive range of products, but also our numerous innovative developments. They play a huge part in ensuring that the wearers of our hearing systems feel just that little bit more comfortable.